If you have signed our petition or if you are visiting our site for the first time, thank you for caring about the importance of historic properties and heritage values.
The historic house, at 1558 Beach Drive, designed by nationally recognized architect Percy Leonard James, remains at risk of demolition.
More immediate threats to character-defining heritage in this neighbourhood, however, are located right across the street to Garden Mansions. These concern the proposed partial destruction of a 120 year-old historic stone wall and the potential demolition of the late 19th century Carriage House on the property at 1561 York Place.
The distinguished granite stone wall on Prospect Place is part of the original Annandale estate. The stone walls are major supporting features of the heritage character of the streetscapes and community character for both York Place and Prospect Place.
This original Carriage House (with living accommodation above) of the Annandale estate was built in 1897-98, designed by John Gerhard Tiarks (1867-1901), prominent Victoria architect and business partner of Francis Rattenbury. The estate was built for Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, son of Father of Confederation, Sir Charles Tupper, and Minister of Justice and Attorney-General for the Dominion of Canada Government. The Carriage House has been recognized as meriting heritage protection for many decades.
Your voice is important. Ask Mayor and Council to protect these heritage resources, so valuable to the community of Oak Bay. By doing so, you will be helping the District of Oak Bay establish its first Heritage Conservation Area called “The Prospect.” Contact Mayor and Council at https://www.oakbay.ca/munic