On Monday, December 10th, at a
Committee of the Whole meeting, councilors voted unanimously to turn down the Heritage Revitalization Agreement application for 1561 York Place as submitted. The Chamber was packed and at least 25 people were sitting or standing in the foyer. Council discussed and examined the application in a fair-minded, insightful and considerate manner. We are glad to see the issue go back to negotiations between the applicant and staff with directions from Council.
The items of concern were, among other issues, the breaches in the Prospect Place wall, the moving of the Carriage House offsite to Windsor Park, the excessive blasting, and the removal of many trees.
Council meetings are videoed so if you’re really curious, check out the District website at https://www.oakbay.ca/municipal-hall/meetings-minutes/minutes-agendas to watch it.
Thanks to those of you that attended, wrote letters (over 100) and all of you for your continued support. We will keep you updated, early in the new year. Please stay involved.