
“The Prospect” HCA Newsletter – March 2017

2018-02-22T20:49:28-08:00April 5th, 2017|

Some Highlights: WALKING TOURS A FABULOUS SUCCESS— 54 people attend the first two, more tours to come. All are welcome. Who would have thought history could be so entertaining? There is a growing awareness in Oak Bay of our neighbourhood’s rich cultural history—people were lined up around the block, so to speak, to get a [...]

“The Prospect” HCA Newsletter – February 2017

2018-02-22T20:49:28-08:00April 5th, 2017|

Some Highlights: ALL OVER THE WORLD, historic edifices are being replaced with “could-be-anywhere” buildings. Do we want this to happen in our neighbourhood which is of such cultural significance to Oak Bay? We need to protect it, so we thought it would be a good idea to apply to Oak Bay to become a Heritage [...]

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