
Heritage Conservation Area – Writing Campaign

2018-11-10T20:58:26-08:00November 3rd, 2018|

REMINDER - OAK BAY COUNCIL HAS NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES! You can make a difference Whether you live in the neighbourhood or not, please write an email to Oak Bay’s mayor and council, saying you’d like respectful and sensitive development appropriate for a property in Oak Bay’s first Heritage Conservation Area (HCA). Your email will be [...]

Annandale Carriage Drive

2018-11-03T21:42:49-07:00November 3rd, 2018|

Some Highlights:Annandale is a large, one-and-one-half-storey wood clad bungalow with prominent brick corbelled chimneys, an enclosed porch, and multiple dormers. It is located on the east side of York Place, near the commercial centre of Oak Bay Avenue. It is set back on the property, screened by dense foliage and surrounded by a granite stone wall [...]

Oak Bay Candidates respond to Heritage and Development Issues

2018-11-03T21:42:49-07:00October 16th, 2018|

This survey was developed by residents of the planned Heritage Conservation Area (HCA), The Prospect, and asked candidates four questions: their top heritage priority how they would reconcile conflicts between heritage protection and infill opportunities their position on community contributions from developers how they would balance development against preserving natural environments, heritage structures and character neighbourhoods. [...]

Times Colonist Article – March 11, 1989 (Morris home – 1558 Beach Drive)

2018-02-22T20:49:29-08:00October 8th, 2016|

"Oak panelling, stained glass featured in Morris home" by Geoffrey Castle Much has been said and written about two particular Victoria architects – Francis M. Rattenbury and Samuel Maclure. Rattenbury, who was happiest with non-residential work, is synonymous with the Parliament Buildings and the Empress Hotel. Maclure, on the other hand, who designed several hundred good [...]

What is a Heritage Conservation Area?

2018-02-22T20:49:29-08:00September 5th, 2016|

A heritage conservation area is a distinct district with special heritage value and/or heritage character, identified for heritage conservation purposes in an Official Community Plan. A local government establishes a heritage conservation area when it has identified a distinctive area which it feels should be managed by long-term protection. What does it do? A heritage conservation [...]

A Cluster of Architectural Treasures—A Brief History of this Distinctive Neighbourhood

2018-02-22T20:49:29-08:00September 5th, 2016|

The proposed Heritage Conservation Area for the neighbourhood of Prospect Place/York Place/Beach Drive/San Carlos/and a small segment of Oak Bay Avenue contains 11 of the 28 Heritage Designated houses in Oak Bay. The area had its start in 1898, with the purchase of 15 acres of waterfront property from the Pemberton estate, by architects Francis [...]

September 2016 – Upcoming Events You May Wish to Attend

2018-02-22T20:49:29-08:00August 30th, 2016|

Oak Bay is holding Open House sessions on a Residential Infill Strategy and the following is from the District’s website: “Oak Bay is experiencing increased interest in infill housing, such as laneway and garden cottages, duplexes, triplexes and residential subdivision. This interest occurs as our neighbourhoods age and change, and as demand for more diverse housing [...]

What Oak Bay’s Official Community Plan says on heritage conservation

2018-02-22T20:49:29-08:00August 27th, 2016|

“There is a strong cultural heritage in Oak Bay, which is greatly valued by its residents. Key heritage aspects of Oak Bay include the streetscapes and neighbourhoods, historic buildings and structures, cultural and natural landscape features, and history.” (page 120) “The District is becoming more proactive in conserving its community heritage through the work of its [...]

Heritage Lingo

2018-02-22T20:49:29-08:00August 27th, 2016|

Heritage conservation: Includes, in relation to heritage, any activity undertaken to protect, preserve or enhance the heritage value or heritage character (including but not limited to character-defining elements) of heritage property or an area. Heritage Conservation Area: Local governments can define special areas in their Official Community Plan (OCP) to provide long term protection to a [...]

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