
Heritage Conservation Area – Writing Campaign

2018-11-10T20:58:26-08:00November 3rd, 2018|

REMINDER - OAK BAY COUNCIL HAS NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES! You can make a difference Whether you live in the neighbourhood or not, please write an email to Oak Bay’s mayor and council, saying you’d like respectful and sensitive development appropriate for a property in Oak Bay’s first Heritage Conservation Area (HCA). Your email will be [...]

Oak Bay Candidates respond to Heritage and Development Issues

2018-11-03T21:42:49-07:00October 16th, 2018|

This survey was developed by residents of the planned Heritage Conservation Area (HCA), The Prospect, and asked candidates four questions: their top heritage priority how they would reconcile conflicts between heritage protection and infill opportunities their position on community contributions from developers how they would balance development against preserving natural environments, heritage structures and character neighbourhoods. [...]

Oak Bay News Article – November 9, 2016

2018-02-22T20:49:29-08:00November 9th, 2016|

Christine van Reeuwyk/Oak Bay News Michael Prince and Karen Wallace-Prince propose Oak Bay designate their segment of Oak Bay (their home behind on the right) as a Heritage Conservation Area. "Many living in Oak Bay’s first subdivision hope to be part of the community’s first Heritage Conservation Area. They took notice, and worried a [...]

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