Heritage conservation: Includes, in relation to heritage, any activity undertaken to protect, preserve or enhance the heritage value or heritage character (including but not limited to character-defining elements) of heritage property or an area.
Heritage Conservation Area: Local governments can define special areas in their Official Community Plan (OCP) to provide long term protection to a distinctive heritage area. Oak Bay’s OCP recognizes that the municipality “has many heritage and character buildings and streetscapes that contribute to the community’s values, and some of these could be candidates for heritage conservation.”
Heritage designation: Bylaw to protect a heritage property that is formally recognized for its heritage value from exterior alterations, removal or demolition without the approval of City Council.
Heritage property: A structure, building, group of buildings, district, landscape, archaeological site or other place in Canada that has been formally recognized for its heritage value.
Heritage register: A list of property that is formally recognized by the local government to have heritage value or heritage character.
Heritage value: The historic, cultural, aesthetic, scientific or educational worth or usefulness of (heritage) property or an area. The heritage value of a heritage resource is embodied in its heritage character.